Weather34 WF API version Discontinued

@Weather34: is just an impression or Daylight Tile doesn’t refresh automatically like temperature does? It redraw only refreshing page. Is it an RPi issue?

daylight is defaulted to 30 minutes(under $moonRefresh below) you can change it via a file called settings.php

*note many of these settings intervals are set for other modules from other versions of the template some of them have no effect in the weatherflow version as the API data from weatherflow servers is restricted to one minute intervals ,

// Refresh Data Main Page // #
// Automatic refresh times (in seconds) of each panel on the main dashboard #

$indoorRefresh = 120; // 2 minutes
$notifyRefresh = 17; // 17 seconds
$tempRefresh = 30; // 30 secondss
$skyRefresh = 300; // 5 minutes
$windSpeedRefresh = 16; // 16 seconds
$baroRefresh = 300; // 5 minutes
$windDirRefresh = 16; // 16 seconds
$moonRefresh = 1800; // 30 minutes
$rainRefresh = 50; // 50 seconds
$solarRefresh = 60; // 1 minutes
$daylightRefresh = 65; // 1 minutes 5 seconds
$moonphaseRefresh = 3600; // 1 hour
$eqRefresh = 600; // 10 minutes
$forecastRefresh = 900; // 15 minutes
$notificationcenterRefresh = 300; // 5 minutes set refresh time for notification of earthquakes default 5 minutes
$wuupdate = 1800; // 30 minutes
$wfupdate = 60; // weatherflow api 60 seconds

minor visual SVG icons added to temperature module .
css files compressed to 157kb

as always via


Something weird here… immagine

Some question:

  1. I see also something regarding moonphase. Is it available as tile?
  2. also setting Italian as language, something is in English. Is there some way I can help you to translate the missing parts?

yep update css files ? or welcome to the world of aggressive browser caches :slight_smile: or is the server cacheing the css.

translations if you are willing to contribute on a regular basis no problem , unfortunately im moving to remove translations at any opportunity that have not been updated for a long time i removed 12 languages last month .

only languages that receive regular translations are greek,german,french,spanish,catalan,turkish all the rest are falling way behind and probably be dropped very soon so if you want to then let me know .

has you may not know I loathe ever adding translations it really stifles any progress in design and sometimes its impossible to find a balance…

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@Weather34: did you receive my PM ?

yes i did thank you be in touch next week see what we can do

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@vreihen ok lets do this and Im on a mission to get this one done :slight_smile:

full credit will be given to yourself whether you like it or not :slight_smile: , Im just going to make it look pretty and also hopefully get the map done .



Ok i have added on translations for the current conditions,air quality etc .

for the the italian you only need to edit the php file … downloads were just updated . im not here till monday morning for any length of time and around most of next week.

also have a new dutch translator so the dutch language has been added back in.

norwegian,maori,swedish languages were removed .

example of editing is like this

in english the default

//Air Quality
$lang[‘Hazordous’]= ‘Air Quality Hazordous Conditions’;
$lang[‘VeryUnhealthy’]= ‘Air Quality Very Unhealthy Conditions’;
$lang[‘Unhealthy’]= ‘Air Quality Unhealthy Warning’;
$lang[‘UnhealthyFS’]= ‘Air Quality Unhealthy For Some’;
$lang[‘Moderate’]= 'Air Quality Moderate Concern ';
$lang[‘Good’]= 'Air Quality Good Healthy Conditions ';

in turkish as this the only other language i speak it would look like this

//Air Quality
$lang[‘Hazordous’]= ‘Kötü Hava Kosullari’;
$lang[‘VeryUnhealthy’]= ‘Sağlıksız Hava Kalitesi’;
$lang[‘Unhealthy’]= ‘Sağlıksız Hava Kalitesi Uyarisi’;
$lang[‘UnhealthyFS’]= ‘Sağlıksız Hava Kalitesi Uyarisi’;
$lang[‘Moderate’]= ‘Orta Hava Kalitesi Uyarisi’;
$lang[‘Good’]= 'Saglikli Hava Kalitesi ';

then the output of template is

Thank you @Weather34. I’ll take a look on italian php to understand how much work is required.

Did you take a look at the issue when you set metric but AIR device is still showed in inch under pressure gauge?

languages files just simple text replacement.

sorry i cant replicate any issues with pressure metrics it shows pressure in inches in the small area when the main pressure area is set for metric . thats not a bug its a quick reference to calculate inches if ever needed it also works vice the versa if inches is selected it will then show small area in metric…


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Might I suggest you label is as Imperial?


its an age old discussion that i really don’t want too get into here . please perhaps start another thread imperial-non metric vs metric .

Good morning

it is with deep regret that no further development will happen to the stand alone weatherflow version of the template. The map idea has been shelved , this is due to forthcoming changes in the API provided by weatherflow, David kindly sent me a outline of those changes for the near future this morning. Unfortunately when these changes occur likelihood it will not work at all in its current state . so therefore I have taken it offline and shelved the idea of creating a complimentary map for the template.

So in short if you have a web template, app, etc i strongly suggest you contact David for more information and to see if that effects your design,work ,application in anyway. If your already aware hopefully the transition will be harmless…

The meteobridge version is not affected by this api change has it is a non cloud realtime data product.



Is this decision just temporary to see what happens with new APIs or is a permanent halt?

we will have to,see when the new api rollsout until then there is no real point in offering template until the changes occur . the change may be just a simple process in the code or may need some more time .

so there is no point in doing anything more till all the information is available .
at least there is time to prepare however perhaps look at software like weather display or a meteobridge product or , they dont rely on api data and offer far more better intervals of shorter data periods and more control over historical data presentation.

brian …

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Hi Brian,

I tried everything I could be I can’t get any data from WeatherFlow.

weatherflowx.txt are updated (time change) but always empty. Any advise where to look at?



Forecast is also wrong date. Today July 1st.

@patricepayen: did you do all necessary changes during setup regarding station, AIR and SKY IDs?

please do not use this version of the template anymore it will possibly fail in the near future . to save you pulling your hair out and wasting your time . I strongly advise please do not use it .

however if you want to provide a url and password to setup via pm which you can change at anytime I may have an inkling on where it is causing an error. generally this is due to paths which can vary on different server types due to configuration but it is easy to spot but i need some url to diagnose. but please please be aware it will fail in the future.
