RFE: temporary disable of data

New Tempest owner (site first went online about a week ago). One option which I think would be nice would be to temporarily disable data updates - at least for the rain gauge. I have several webcams mounted just under the tempest and I periodically have to clean the lenses. Sometimes I climb up and wipe them off, sometimes I just blast them with the hose. I have to do this regularly (on some days it’s 2-3 times per day if the wind is really up) because I’m only about 70 yards from the ocean which ends up leaving a nice layer of salt on everything …

When I’m doing that, I’d like to disable the data updates so that it doesn’t erroneously report that it’s raining.

FWIW, here’s a page with all 3 of my webcams arranged in a row (pseudo-triptych style) with the weather data underneath:

Note that the cameras are 4K cameras, so if you open them in youtube and/or go full-screen you’ll see a lot more detail.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [API] Suspend Data Capture