PWSweather functionality?

For some reason I click on the avator and no envelope appears?

Try now, I upped your level and you should be able to PM now.

Works. I am able to PM him now. Thanks very much

I’m going to have to decline leading you by the nose through this one. You have to work at least a little to learn and learn how support yourself. A little investment of your time now will save you a lot of blood pressure down the road…

  • the weewx driver and long discussion is here
  • the weewx docs start here
  • the weewx-user google group is here.
  • the weewx FAQ is here
  • the weewx wiki is here

Short description is install the software, add the driver by following the instructions on the driver page. Use his example Tempest stanza for weewx.conf, remembering to edit your device IDs into the file to replace the example ones. It should come right up. Really.

I have invested over 10 hours in this with an older pi. So certainly there has been no lack of effort. Thanks anyways.

The quickstart in the docs link I provided has the ‘four’ lines you need to type verbatim and weewx will be up and running in simulator mode. @vreihen’s driver takes one command to download it and one command to install it. You’ll then need to edit a simple text file and give ‘one’ command to restart weewx.

If that’s too much heavy-lifting then I dunno what to say.

So I have deleted the whole installation and started again. The goal is to publish to PWSWeather so I can use this with my sprinkler system. It seems to be publishing but the wrong data. I have copied the sensor map for my Tempest and I assume I am using the serial number rather than the station ID. I have selected metriccx as the units. My station is reporting 7c but on PWSWeather it is showing as 0.3c. Any help is appreciated. You can see the deviation in the data below.

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I wonder if it is still using the simulator mode.
Once you install the WeeWx UDP driver for Weatherflow, you should be able to select the station type 0 for Weatherflow…
You can modify the Weewx configuration by editing: /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

I have the Orbit Bhyve contoller and it uses my weather station from PWS . Works well.

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See faq how to report a problem ¡ weewx/weewx Wiki ¡ GitHub

We need to see your syslog data. My ‘guess’ is that you installed the driver but you did not reconfigure weewx to ‘use’ the WF UDP driver, but in the absence of logs it’s just a guess.

Check out the docs for the wee_config option and specifically the --reconfigure switch to it.

It looks like the simulator was reporting data. I have reconfigured to use the weatherflow UDP driver. I have tried broadcast and putting in the IP address of the Tempest to no avail. It seems to be looking for broadcast udp address and as a result times out. Grateful for any suggestions.

Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] INFO weewx.engine: ‘pyephem’ not detected, extended almanac data is not available
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdReport
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] INFO main: Starting up weewx version 4.7.0
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] DEBUG weewx.engine: Station does not support reading the time
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] INFO weewx.engine: Using binding ‘wx_binding’ to database ‘weewx.sdb’
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] INFO weewx.manager: Starting backfill of daily summaries
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] INFO weewx.manager: Daily summaries up to date
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] INFO weewx.engine: Starting main packet loop.
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry /weewxd: weatherflowudp: MainThread: Listening for UDP broadcasts to IP address on port 50222, with timeout 90 and share_socket False…
Mar 14 23:51:56 raspberry weewx[8647] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
Mar 14 23:53:27 raspberry /weewxd: weatherflowudp: MainThread: Socket timeout waiting for incoming UDP packet!
Mar 14 23:54:57 raspberry /weewxd: weatherflowudp: MainThread: Socket timeout waiting for incoming UDP packet!

driver = user.weatherflowudp
log_raw_packets = True
# udp_address =
udp_address =
# udp_address =
udp_port = 50222
udp_timeout = 90
share_socket = True

    outTemp = air_temperature.HB-00021792.obs_st
    outHumidity = relative_humidity.HB-00021792.obs_st
    pressure =  station_pressure.HB-00021792.obs_st
    # lightning_strikes =  lightning_strike_count.HB-00021792.obs_st
    # avg_distance =  lightning_strike_avg_distance.HB-00021792.obs_st
    outTempBatteryStatus =  battery.HB-00021792.obs_st
    windSpeed = wind_speed.HB-00021792.rapid_wind
    windDir = wind_direction.HB-00021792.rapid_wind
    # lux = illuminance.HB-00021792.obs_st
    UV = uv.HB-00021792.obs_st
    rain = rain_accumulated.HB-00021792.obs_st
    windBatteryStatus = battery.HB-00021792.obs_st
    radiation = solar_radiation.HB-00021792.obs_st
    # lightningYYY = distance.HB-00021792.evt_strike
    # lightningZZZ = energy.HB-00021792.evt_strike

That is my goal as well! I will get there.

Your logfile says “share_socket = False” but your config file snippet says True, so it’s possible you’re didn’t do a weewx restart after editing the file.

Looks like your udp_broadcast is wrong:

udp_address = <broadcast>
    # udp_address =
    # udp_address =

    This is the broadcast address that we should be listening
    on for packets.  If the driver throws an error on start,
    try one of the other commented-out options (in order).
    This seems to be platform-specific.  All three work on
    Debian Linux and my Raspberry Pi, but only works
    on my Macbook running OS-X or MacOS.

Just use the default. It works on a pi.

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You’re using the Hub’s serial number (HB-########) in your sensor_map, not the Tempest’s (ST-########).

If you go to your station on the web site, there is a green dot with the word “Online” at the bottom right corner of the screen. Click on that, and it will bring you to a details page that shows the serial numbers of every device being used in your station. Find the ST-########, put it in the sensor_map above, restart WeeWX, and everything should hopefully work…

1. I have tried to run with the various suggestions and I am still getting timed out.

pi@raspberry:/usr/share/weewx/user $ tail -f /var/log/syslog
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry weewx[1956] DEBUG weewx.engine: Finished loading service weewx.engine.StdReport
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry weewx[1956] INFO main: Starting up weewx version 4.7.0
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry weewx[1956] DEBUG weewx.engine: Station does not support reading the time
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry weewx[1956] INFO weewx.engine: Using binding ‘wx_binding’ to database ‘weewx.sdb’
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry weewx[1956] INFO weewx.manager: Starting backfill of daily summaries
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry weewx[1956] INFO weewx.manager: Daily summaries up to date
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry weewx[1956] INFO weewx.engine: Starting main packet loop.
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry /weewxd: weatherflowudp: MainThread: Listening for UDP broadcasts to IP address on port 50222, with timeout 90 and share_socket False…
Mar 15 00:53:13 raspberry weewx[1956] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
Mar 15 00:53:14 raspberry ntpd[790]: local addr →
Mar 15 00:54:12 raspberry ntpd[790]: local addr →
Mar 15 00:54:15 raspberry ntpd[790]: local addr →
Mar 15 00:54:21 raspberry systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary Directories…
Mar 15 00:54:21 raspberry systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service: Succeeded.
Mar 15 00:54:21 raspberry systemd[1]: Started Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
Mar 15 00:54:25 raspberry ntpd[790]: local addr →
Mar 15 00:54:43 raspberry /weewxd: weatherflowudp: MainThread: Socket timeout waiting for incoming UDP packet!
Mar 15 00:55:22 raspberry ntpd[790]: local addr →
Mar 15 00:56:13 raspberry /weewxd: weatherflowudp: MainThread: Socket timeout waiting for incoming UDP packet!

2. I have changed the sensor number to ST. I have tried all three methods. I am assuming that you comment out the other two methods and not have all three simultaneously.

driver = user.weatherflowudp
log_raw_packets = True
udp_address =

udp_address =

udp_address =

udp_port = 50222
udp_timeout = 90
share_socket = True

outTemp = air_temperature.ST-00008830.obs_st
outHumidity = relative_humidity.ST-00008830.obs_st
pressure = station_pressure.ST-00008830.obs_st

lightning_strikes = lightning_strike_count.ST-00008830.obs_st

avg_distance = lightning_strike_avg_distance.ST-00008830.obs_st

outTempBatteryStatus = battery.ST-00008830.obs_st
windSpeed = wind_speed.ST-00008830.rapid_wind
windDir = wind_direction.ST-00008830.rapid_wind

lux = illuminance.ST-00008830.obs_st

UV = uv.ST-00008830.obs_st
rain = rain_accumulated.ST-00008830.obs_st
windBatteryStatus = battery.ST-00008830.obs_st
radiation = solar_radiation.ST-00008830.obs_st

lightningYYY = distance.ST-00008830.evt_strike

lightningZZZ = energy.ST-00008830.evt_strike

3. I have pinged to Tempest to make sure I can see it on my network that works.

pi@raspberry:/usr/share/weewx/user $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=3.52 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=2.85 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=3.64 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=8.65 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=254 time=3.12 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=254 time=3.43 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=254 time=3.63 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=254 time=2.90 ms

4. I am using an old WindowsPC running Debian. I am wondering if that would make a difference? I would think not.

5. Despite starting and stopping the machine and even powering it down it still does not work.

6. Despite share_stock = true. It always comes up false.

Any help gratefully received.

Try my listener utility to see if it’s hearing anything - (link) - just grab the ‘’ file and run it with “python3 --raw” and you should see the UDP messages basically right away. Hit control-C once or twice to stop it.

Make sure you follow the “Installation” instructions to install the python3 library prerequisites.

If you have share_socket=True on for weewx you can just let it running, or shut weewx down. Whatever you want. If you have share_socket=False you ‘must’ shut down weewx before running my standalone listener.

My ‘guess’ is you have an incorrect ST-nnnnnnnn number but it’s just a guess. Running my listener will tell you for certain what’s being broadcast.

Or run wireshark and listen for udp/50222 on all interfaces and you can sniff it the hard way.

If you don’t see the UDP packets make sure your access point isn’t blocking them.

Needs to be udp_address = <broadcast> if it isn’t already. (See last paragraph for forum software cut/paste quirk that may be hiding this in your post.)

Are the Debian/WeeWX computer and Tempest Hub on the same IP subnet? Remember, UDP broadcasts cannot cross subnet/router boundaries. Assuming the customary home router /24 subnet (netmask, 192.168.1.x and 192.168.3.y are on two different IP subnets.

Regarding the share_socket, the spacing in the config file may be off. Python is extremely picky about indents/spaces, and the forum editor is munging the config file pastes because they are not using the editor’s pre-formatted text feature </> when posted…

Thanks. Yes the Tempest was on a different subnet. I use a Unifi route where all my cloud devices are an virtual lan. I did move it over and still did not work. I will try the spacing idea. Failing that I will wipe the install and start again.

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I have to disagree to the comment about spaces in weewx.conf - it simply does not care about that at all. I’ve used random spacing all through mine for years and everything works fine.

Put both boxes on the same VLAN and make sure they’re also on the same ip subnet with the same netmask. Run my listener program on your weewx box. See if it hears anything. If it doesn’t hear anything, it’s an os or network issue.

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