New Tempest Weather System

How much will it cost for current owners of the SKY ? I have 2 SKY.

from far above in the thread - “We intend to offer the Tempest device by itself (no HUB) to existing station owners at a lower price than our Reward packages on KickStarter (all of which include a HUB).” - so that makes it under $219 if I remember the lowest price KickStarter price correctly.

and you get for the first two years $15 when you share your data (but I’m hoping that this will happen for existing systems as well)

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When you set it up on a pole that little arrow wont be visible and with the solar panels around in a 360 direction there is no way your going to see where true North is.

With present version it’s easy to point true North as that’s the way the solar panel is pointing also.

Some have colored the N red or black.

I have used a marker to color the N black but found that it is much easier to if I just put a long mark on the North side of the pole mount. I can line up the mount then attach the SKY (or Tempest) after all of the extra wiggling around that may occur during alignment. In the case of my Mobile station, I can see the mark from the ground and twist the pole until it is aligned with North.

I use a strip of black electrical tape to mark the N side, so that I can see it from the ground to verify that nothing has moved…

This is how I marked my latest Sky install. but the ink wears off within 12 months. It made it easier for me to align because I have references in different directions.

cheers Ian :slight_smile:


Hello. When will we receive the new tempest email announcing the reduced price and when it will be available to buy. Hopefully in March 2020. Will existing back ers and owners of multiple SKY AIR get to buy when its first available or have to wait for the 2nd backers to get product 1st

What will be the price for the data with the remote system. I backed one on Kickstarter and just curious what it will cost for the data plan. Will the remote system be available fir sale after the kickstart push?

We will announce it (on the forum and by email) and begin taking pre-orders well before March 2020. You’ll be the first to know!

The system will include prepaid data plan for at two years of standard data upload. We don’t have the pricing yet for data beyond that but we will publish it as soon as we do.


Have you decided on the Beta testers yet? I’m hoping to be one, but need to budget more if I don’t get selected… :slight_smile:


Hi Weatherflow,

I back the Tempest on Kickstarter on launch day at 264.00 USD (402 NZD)

I see you now have an Indiegogo campaign. The price is quoted in NZD including shipping at 364 NZD (238.56 USD). Which is 38NZD cheaper than the super early bird Kickstarter.
Assuming it’s a legit campaign? Why the price difference?

And whist is (contains) the mentioned (at indiegogo) “Storm & Fire Ready Kit” ?

The cheapest isnt availble for Netherlands perhaps Indigogo asks less commision as Kickstarter ?

After getting recommendations and requests from a wide group we decided to continue our pre-launch campaign on Indiegogo. The prices are a bit higher than they were on Kickstarter so I am not sure why any of you are seeing a lower price. We will investigate. Sorry we failed to post the news about Indiegogo here; it was due to some changing responsibilities here at WeatherFlow. David is on his way to our factory in China right now! Exciting progress!!

See Pre-orders continue on Indiegogo InDemand!


Kickstarter Super Early Bird = US$219. + shipping
IndieGogo = US$239. + shipping.

Hi and @WFmarketing,
Sorry Peter I almost got caught myself but looked carefully to work out the options.
When Kickstarter kicked off there were several options and at the top the super early bird deal was the cheapest. I noticed several people purchased the more expensive options that were below the cheapest offer, for the identical deal. Prior to the cheapest super early bird option being fully subscribed.
I believe that people unknowingly purchased the more expensive offer without realising it.
For comparison this is what I paid for the super early bird deal in Australia:

Cheers Ian :slight_smile:

I guessed it might be shipping but did not go all the way to purchasing.

I was confused by “Shipping includes duties, VAT and sales Tax”. Maybe "Shipping calculated at checkout and includes duties, VAT and sales Tax.

Cheers, Peter

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