Photos of Tempest Installations :tempest:

Had .01 of erroneous rainfall yesterday morning, too. But, it was “zeroed-out” by Rain Check – – this morning.

Yesterday was the first day with the Tempest, so looking forward to seeing how it compares over the next few weeks. The rain this weekend will be nice, since we’re already in our South Texas “hot-and-dry” period…


That maybe due to vibration of the pole it’s mounted on.

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I’ve got a huge bird problem… so blaming it on IBF (incontinent bird flyover) :relaxed:
Today’s may actually be a little rain – just got back from a short drive and had a few sprinkles on the windshield (or, again, could have been IBF!)

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Fully understand. Lol

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We are currently experiencing a small break from the daily thunderstorm activity and blue skies have finally broken through. We’re loving our Tempest!!!


@dsj this one should be a marketing photo !


Sure depending on what software you want to run. I can compare my VP2, Tempest, Air, and Sky (2) on one grafana dashboard fed by a combination of influxdb and subscribing to MQTT, but I have weewx in the middle for my VP2 (because I use the old-style serial datalogger)

How are your VP2 connected up to your network ?

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I was responding to @SaTxWx post. In terms of the Davis, I have the old IP datalogger and use the Cumulus software for rapid fire updates.

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Could you give me your Tempest page link? Not sure why WU is showing 31.94” as the pressure from your Tempest

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The 460cm windsurfing mast appears to not be stiff enough, because when the winds picked up above 20 today it was reporting heavy rain. Next up will either be a n 8’ aluminum 1" schedule 40 pipe or a 10’ galvanized steel.

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My Tempest is online, woo hoo.


Got my Tempest mounted today. I went with the popular antenna eave mount (purchased from Summit Source), with the 6ft vinyl covered, wooden closet rod, purchased from Lowes. I painted the mount a matte white to match the rest of the house. Turned out well.


Not sure why your pressure sensor is reporting very high values. Right now as of 9:01p, your Barometer is reporting 30.59”.

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Just had a look under the hood.
For now that station has not received any control nor continuous calibration. It is too soon. It will need a few more days before it will kick in.

Also had a look on WU for surrounding station and did I find so many different readings for pressure … :roll_eyes:

Let it run and at some point the routines will adjust if necessary. Seen the number of new Tempest coming online, might take a week or so.


Just personally think it’s odd that it would be that far off. I figured it would be around the ballpark after you enter your elevation in and CL would fine tune it some more.

On the side note, how can you tell if WF has done some calibration work to your station? What should I look for?

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Just mounted my new tempest.

It seems to be working fine.
It replaced the sky that was there, which I’ll now give to my granddaughter.


Sorry…but does that means that the blue arrow is on the north side? Correct?


Yes, that’s correct. If you are looking north, you should not be able to see the blue arrow on the Tempest