Lots of False Positive Lightning

I don’t think I have a piezo lighter. I’ve got many ways to make fire, but that’s not one of them.

I do have an SLR camera with a built-in flash. Canon T3i, I think. Should that flash trip it?

can’t say for sure but you can try fire it close to the air … I know Gary managed with an old flash he had lying around.

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Old? It’s not that old.

I took several pics with the flash right next to the AIR, but so far nothing registers as lightning.

I just tried the flash again near my Acurite 06045m detector.

It flashed it’s yellow LED, indicating the camera flash is a “disturber”.

The Atlas didn’t register the camera flash as lightning, either.

The flash may not put out enough “noise” to set it off. It takes as powerful flash to trigger it.

Despite old, I find it very useful and quite accurate for my location. What’s the better alternative other than a national weather service?

I’m new to this so might have missed answers to numerous false lighning strikes.
I was dubious for a while when I first got the unit because we had some light and persistent rain but, over the past few days the entire state of Sth Australia has been cloud free. My ‘Air’ is reading lightning strikes every 2 or 3 hours.
Any suggestions please?

Please use the search function of the forum. There are several topics, discussing several ideas about the origin and ideas for prevention.
Is ist a New behaviour ? Since when is the Air installed and since when the fals signals are detected?
Last but not least What is your Stations ID?

Likely interference by a nearby AC unit or something like that.