ArchiveSW - Display & Data Archive Storage

OK… Ran install again … rebooted and the server is up (online) and I’ve been able to connect via web …

yippie! now hopefully the FUN starts.

Thanks again for all your ‘quik’ HELP!

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It would seem your RPi is now fully updated and should run well.

Thank you for your help. I am adding code to the update scripts to ensure that the RPi is fully updated.

The NodeJS and NPM teams seem to be adding a lot of security updates which are causing issues with old packages.

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OK… I’ll play around with it – and give it a good run for it’s money!

here’s ‘proof of life’


Well, it seems I forget to update a file on new installs. I’ll fix that and you will get updated files later.


I’ll be in the neighborhood…

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Just trying to install things the manual way, and was running the following

wget -N
wget -N
wget -Nq
wget -N
wget -N
wget -N
wget -N
wget -N
wget -N
wget -N
wget -N
wget -N

None of those files seem to exist on the server. The code in also tries to install them, but they’re not found. Not sure if they’re needed, or if they’re leftover cruft. Thought I’d mention it.

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I just fixed that.

Also, I am not sure the manual instructions are up-to-date. I will go over them but let me know if you have any issues.

Thanks. Yeah, the manual install didn’t work. I nuked it and installed via the script, and have gotten further. However, some questions:

  1. Getting it to display fullscreen - I click on the “click to toggle fullscreen” and nothing happens
  2. Data - it doesn’t seem to be displaying data. All I get is the panel, but it has no data.

I went into the server page at, saved the values for my device. I’ve tried restarting it, no change.

I must be missing something obvious, but can’t seem to find it in the thread. Sorry if this has been asked before.

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Oh, and if I turn on server debug, I get a series of log messages that seems to indicate that it’s receiving data:


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Go into the Process tab and make sure the appropriate items are running.

Go into Panel and make sure the data on the both sides of the form are complete.

Go into Config and make sure the data on the both sides of the form are complete.

Hmm, I’d done that 3 times and it kept on coming back blank. I restarted everything again, filled it in again and now I’m seeing data. Yay and thanks!

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Hi @GaryFunk,
Any idea why I would be getting different readings between the App and ArchiveSW? I’ve noticed the temperature off on the last digit but this is the first time I noticed such a discrepancy in the pressure reading.

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Post a screen shot of the Panel tab from the Server.


Also, I ran Updatefiles and get this in the update log:
2019-02-25 16:37:27 Starting UpdateFiles v1.7.15.028
2019-02-25 16:37:27 Getting files for update
2019-02-25 16:37:27 Checking for new Script files
2019-02-25 16:37:34 Received new file ==>: script/
2019-02-25 16:37:34 Update Files error Error: Command failed: bash /home/pi/archivesw/script/ /home/pi/archivesw /log/UpdateFiles.log
2019-02-25 16:37:34 URL: [5066/5066] -> “” [1] /home/pi/archivesw/script/ line 70: syntax error near unexpected token then' /home/pi/archivesw/script/ line 70:== 0 ]]; then’

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Hub height: should be 134.8

Run Update Files again. It will self-correct.

As for the temperature, it seems your temperate went up and the WeatherFlow application is lagging behind the UDP data. That will happen when using the REST API.


quick question … what is this display and why is it empty?
I saw it yesterday, and assumed it needed historical data to populate.

Also noticed an error in the Sol & Luna - sunrise sunset times…
I do have my timezone as America/New_York
this is a comparison to wfpiconsole panel:

Station id: 4785
      Name: Idlewood
  Latitude: 27.06008
 Longitude: -82.23958
 Elevation: 4.01847076416
  Timezone: America/New_York 
    Device: HB-00010436
       AGL: 0 
    Device: AR-00002155
       AGL: 1.8288 
    Device: SK-00015027
       AGL: 3.9624
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That is for the DS18B20 internal temperature probe.

Check the timezone on your Raspberry Pi.

ok … thanks on internal sensor.

checked TZ seems to be set correctly using raspi-config

Current default time zone: ‘America/New_York’
Local time is now: Tue Feb 26 10:03:44 EST 2019.
Universal Time is now: Tue Feb 26 15:03:44 UTC 2019.

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Are you viweing the 7" displsy attached to the Raspberry Pi or viweing a display attached to a computer?

computer (Win10) Chrome Version 72.0.3626.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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