ArchiveSW - Display & Data Archive Storage


I think I have developed a method to handle missing configuration settings. I’ll be releasing new code that will correct the issue this week. It is a rather simple fix and only requires moving some code to a different script.


I’m sure you can get a bulk discount on some step ladders. :rofl:


Ok, so I did grant all privileges to use wf and re-ran altertables. It still hangs with the OUT_OF_RANGE error:

AirObservation   report_interval

Looks like this SQL is the cause
ALTER TABLE weatherflow.AirObservation CHANGE report_interval report_interval tinyint(2) NULL;

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What is currently in your table AirObservation and SkyObservaton for report_interval? It is a varchar, char or int?

Exactly what I told my wife. She can stand on a box. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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What version of OS are you running on the Raspberry Pi? I can’t get the installer to complete correctly on Debian Stretch (V9) Either with or without the GUI.


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I am running stock and I just compleatd a fresh install on a blank card two weeks ago.

PRETTY_NAME=“Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)”
NAME=“Raspbian GNU/Linux”
VERSION=“9 (stretch)”

What issue are you having?

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What command did you run to get those details?

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cat /etc/os-release


| report_interval | int(2) | YES | | NULL | |

for both tables.

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That is crazy. How can the data be out of range when it should on contain a single digit and they should all read 1?

The goal is to get your tables up-to-date, so… can you alter the fields to be tinyint(2) and we will move on?

I will continue to test on my system and see if I can recreate the error.

Well, normally the value should be 1, but I was running with simulated WF data before I got the hardware. I think at one point I was populating that value with seconds instead of minutes. Thus:
ariaDB [weatherflow]> select report_interval from AirObservation where report_interval > 100;
| report_interval |
| 112 |
| 111 |
| 111 |
| 111 |
| 111 |
| 111 |
| 148 |
| 109 |
| 111 |
| 113 |
| 109 |
| 111 |
| 111 |
| 111 |
| 109 |
| 111 |
| 111 |
| 108 |
| 112 |
| 111 |
| 111 |
| 110 |
| 110 |
| 111 |
| 108 |
| 112 |
26 rows in set (0.02 sec)

Looks like SkyObservation has similar values. Does TINYINT(2) limit it to between -99 and 99?

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tinyint is 1 byte, -128 to +127 / 0 to 255 (unsigned)

I have the table to display 2 places. WeatherFlow is currently always returning 1.

I didn’t notice at first, but running the command manually highlights the row that failed. It has a value of 148 there. So it would be ok if the field was unsigned but not for signed.

I changed that one value and it’s going farther now.

Same out of range issue in hubstatus rssi value. Some how I ended up with an rssi value of 1537824806, that seems a bit large.

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That’s so much radiation you will never have children.

At least I now understand why you are having issues. I will add logging to capture as many issues as possible.

Today I pushed a fix to prevent issues when the main configuration file has keys or values changed.

This weekend I will be working to change the internal communications between scripts from UDP to TCP. The Server application will act as the TCP server and all other scripts will act as clients. This is turning out to be easier as all scripts now only communicate with the Server application.


I started with a brand new installation on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ … Did apt update and apt upgrade. Then invoked the script from this post.

Attached are three screen captures.

Run 1 is the initial attempt - it just stopped as shown
Run 2 seemed to get a bit further
Node Error - shows problems installing node.#
Can’t get further than this - I tried to install node manually - but it claimed that 'stretch was not yet supported.

node error.txt (873 Bytes)
Run 1.txt (66.2 KB)
run 2.txt (11.5 KB)

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Here is the issue as identified in your first attachment.

Your distribution, identified as “stretch”, is not currently supported, please contact NodeSource at if you think this is incorrect or would like your distribution to be considered for support

Exactly where did you get the OS distribution you are using?

Downloaded today from the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s web site - have tried both the GUI and ‘lite’ versions - both do the same.

Never had any issues using their distributions before - and I have at least 4 Pi’s running with a variety of 3rd party apps


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