This code is intended to give other developers insights into how to pull data from the nest thermostat. Making changes to will break other parts of wfpiconsole runs separate from wfpiconsole. It uses and to read the temperature and humidity, create history files for the past 24 hours. It then creates a file data.txt with the data that will be displayed in the console. The program then sleeps for 5 minutes before it loops. The changes to will take Data.txt and place them into the display. import Nest_Read import time import Nest_Min_Max import json Nest_Min_Max.Define_arrays() while True: temperature, humidity = Nest_Read.read_temperature() Nest_Min_Max.add_record(temperature, humidity) temp_max, temp_max_ts = Nest_Min_Max.get_max(Nest_Min_Max.temp_arr) temp_min, temp_min_ts = Nest_Min_Max.get_min(Nest_Min_Max.temp_arr) print('Minimum',temp_min,temp_min_ts) print('Maximum',temp_max,temp_max_ts) # # Write information to file # x = {"temperature":temperature, "humidity":humidity, "temp_min":temp_min, "temp_min":temp_min, "temp_min_ts":temp_min_ts, "temp_max":temp_max, "temp_max_ts":temp_max_ts } y = json.dumps(x) if len(y)>= 10: f = open("data.txt", "w") f.write(y) f.close time.sleep(300) Nest_Read import json import requests import datetime project_id = 'MY PROJECT ID' client_id="MY CLIENT ID FOR NEST" client_secret = "MY CLIENT SECRET FOR NEST" redirect_uri = "" code = 'MY CODE obtained when authorizing Nest Data access' def Open_Tokens(): # # Open token.txt and read Access Code and Refresh Code # print('open tokens') #f = open("C:/Nest_Python/tokens.txt", "r") f = open("tokens.txt", "r") y = f.close() dictionary = json.loads(y) access_token = dictionary["access_token"] expires = dictionary["expires"] refresh_token = dictionary["refresh_token"] print("access_token: ",access_token) #print("refresh_token: ",refresh_token) print("Expires ",expires) return(access_token, expires, refresh_token) def Write_Tokens(access_token, expires, refresh_token): # # Write information to file # print('write tokens') x = {"access_token": access_token, "expires":expires, "refresh_token":refresh_token } y = json.dumps(x) #f = open("C:/Nest_Python/tokens.txt", "w") f = open("tokens.txt", "w") f.write(y) f.close def get_access(client_id, client_secret, code, redirect_uri): # Getting access tokens #print ("") #print ("#") print ("Getting Tokens") #print ("#") params = ( ('client_id', client_id), ('client_secret', client_secret), ('code', code), ('grant_type', 'authorization_code'), ('redirect_uri', redirect_uri), ) response ='', params=params) response_json = response.json() #print (response_json) access_token = response_json['token_type'] + ' ' + str(response_json['access_token']) access_token = access_token[7:] #print('Access token: ' + access_token) refresh_token = response_json['refresh_token'] #print('Refresh token: ' + refresh_token) return access_token, refresh_token def refresh_access(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token): # Refresh access token #print ("") #print ("#") print ("Refreshing Token") #print ("#") params = ( ('client_id', client_id), ('client_secret', client_secret), ('refresh_token', refresh_token), ('grant_type', 'refresh_token'), ) print(params) response ='', params=params) print(response) response_json = response.json() access_token = response_json['token_type'] + ' ' + response_json['access_token'] expires_in = response_json['expires_in'] #print(response_json) #print(expires_in) expires_d = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(expires_in-15)) expires_dt = + expires_d expires = expires_dt.strftime("%d-%b-%Y (%H:%M:%S.%f)") #print(expires) #print('Access token: ' + access_token) Write_Tokens(access_token, expires, refresh_token) return access_token, expires def get_devices(project_id, access_token, expires, refresh_token): print('get devices') # Check for expired token expires_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(expires,"%d-%b-%Y (%H:%M:%S.%f)") now = if now > expires_dt: access_token, expires = refresh_access(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token) url_get_devices = '' + project_id + '/devices' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': access_token, } response = requests.get(url_get_devices, headers=headers) print(response.json()) response_json = response.json() #print(response_json) device_0_name = response_json['devices'][0]['name'] #print(device_0_name) return device_0_name def get_device_stats(device_0_name,access_token, expires, refresh_token): print('get_device_stats') # Check for expired token expires_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(expires,"%d-%b-%Y (%H:%M:%S.%f)") now = if now > expires_dt: access_token, expires = refresh_access(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token) url_get_device = '' + device_0_name headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': access_token, } response = requests.get(url_get_device, headers=headers) response_json = response.json() humidity = response_json['traits']['sdm.devices.traits.Humidity']['ambientHumidityPercent'] #print('Humidity:', humidity) temperature = response_json['traits']['sdm.devices.traits.Temperature']['ambientTemperatureCelsius'] temperature = (temperature * 9/5) + 32 temperature = round(temperature,1) print('Temperature:', temperature) return(temperature, humidity) def read_temperature(): print('read_temperature') access_token, expires, refresh_token = Open_Tokens() device_0_name = get_devices(project_id, access_token, expires, refresh_token) print(device_0_name) temperature, humidity = get_device_stats(device_0_name, access_token, expires, refresh_token) return temperature, humidity temperature, humidity = read_temperature() import datetime import time import json def Define_arrays(): # Define arrays import array import json global temp_arr, time_arr, humid_arr f = open("history_temp.txt", "r") y = f.close() d = json.loads(y) temp_arr = array.array('f') temp_arr.fromlist(d) f = open("history_time.txt", "r") y = f.close() d = json.loads(y) time_arr = array.array('I') time_arr.fromlist(d) f = open("history_humid.txt", "r") y = f.close() d = json.loads(y) humid_arr = array.array('f') humid_arr.fromlist(d) def get_min(array_var): min_var = min(array_var) min_ind = temp_arr.index(min_var) min_ts_raw = time_arr[min_ind] min_ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(min_ts_raw) min_ts_str = min_ts.strftime("%I:%M %p") return min_var, min_ts_str def get_max(array_var): max_var = max(array_var) max_ind = temp_arr.index(max_var) max_ts_raw = time_arr[max_ind] max_ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(max_ts_raw) max_ts_str = max_ts.strftime("%I:%M %p") return max_var, max_ts_str def add_record(temperature, humidity): temp_arr.append(temperature) humid_arr.append(humidity) time_now = int(round( time_arr.append(time_now) loop_case = True while loop_case: count = time_arr.index(time_arr[-1]) if count > 288: temp_arr.pop(0) humid_arr.pop(0) time_arr.pop(0) else: loop_case = False temp_arr_z = json.dumps(temp_arr.tolist()) f = open("history_temp.txt", "w") f.write(temp_arr_z) f.close humid_arr_z = json.dumps(humid_arr.tolist()) f = open("history_humid.txt", "w") f.write(humid_arr_z) f.close time_arr_z = json.dumps(time_arr.tolist()) f = open("history_time.txt", "w") f.write(time_arr_z) f.close Nest_Data def get_data(): # # Open data.txt and read Values # import json f = open("data.txt", "r") y = f.close() dictionary = json.loads(y) in_temp = dictionary["temperature"] in_temp_min = dictionary["temp_min"] in_temp_min_ts = dictionary["temp_min_ts"] in_temp_max = dictionary["temp_max"] in_temp_max_ts = dictionary["temp_max_ts"] return(in_temp, in_temp_min,in_temp_min_ts, in_temp_max, in_temp_max_ts) Changes to After line 219 # Update wfpiconsole display with derived TEMPEST observations # # get nest data # derivedObs.update(nest()) at the end def nest(): import Nest_Data in_temp, in_temp_min,in_temp_min_ts, in_temp_max, in_temp_max_ts = Nest_Data.get_data() # Store derived indoor AIR observations in Data dictionary derivedObs = {} derivedObs['inTemp'] = observation.Format([in_temp,'f'],'Temp') derivedObs['inTempMax'] = observation.Format([in_temp_max,'f',in_temp_max_ts],'Temp') derivedObs['inTempMin'] = observation.Format([in_temp_min,'f',in_temp_min_ts],'Temp') # Update wfpiconsole display with derived indoor AIR observations #updateDisplay(derivedObs,wfpiconsole,'indoorAir') return(derivedObs)