Weather34 template, block Dayligth Darkness no display data!

its late let us know how you get on … @rhoos5 feel free to drop an email overnight ill take a look in the morning…

Nope, I use: America/Costa_Rica

I started looking in the file php70.ini and edit the coordinates for my country as I show in the figure, the other data regarding time zone and location are fine, without positive changes in the template after updating them!
I do not find the data on the Internet “date.sunrise_zenith” for Costa Rica, that value leaves it the same.


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not an expert on NAS

but your screenshot shows lat lon back to front

latitude is showing -84.xxxx
lon is showing 9.xxxx

according to google you should have something close to this
The latitude of San José, Costa Rica is 9.934739,
and the longitude is -84.087502.

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Does this page offer any help?

Thanks Brian for discovering this error, I just corrected lat and long as it should be.
Thank you


Thanks Frank, my NAS has this configuration well ! :wink:

At this time of year, the sun probably doesn’t set at that location (Antarctica)!

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Thanks @vreihen the error in php is now fixed!

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