Visual Display of Brightness (Lux)

On full moonlit nights I have recorded 5 Lux, if thats any help.

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5 Lux at full moon?? :thinking::star_struck:

Clear night, full moon overhead, no other illumination sources, Sky was reading 5 lux. Facts as indicated, subjective interpretation is yours…


I would like to know what you get with a New Moon.

That may be difficult, in a valley here, hills to the East and West. Actually as most seem to indicate, Lux readings aren’t useful to most, If I for some reason wanted to know low lux values, a known calibrated Lux meter can be obtained. as an FYI anybody with a V2 Sky here in the US with a clear sky tonite, can check its reading as the moon is full tonight. Rain here tonite, data will follow…


It was a clear sky last night and lux reported zero. So I the Sky I have reported correctly.

In the overall scheme of things 0 or 5 is rather an academic excercise. I’m returning to the precip data priority and then to pondering wether the universe will end in “the Big Crunch” or “the big rip”.


Exactly. 5 Lux is well within the uncertainty of the sensor. We may need to add a “noise floor” if this becomes a common issue.


Out of just plain scientific curiosity I’ll keep watch during the next full moon. I suppose a coin flip for “signal” or “noise”, but if on a clear moonless nite, if it reads 0 lux, and on a moonlit nite shows 5 lux again, its a “signal” I’ll add it to my compilation of trivia…:smile:


I’ve just installed my Sky and I notice the the weatherflow app is not showing the unit of brightness ie lux. Anyone else have this issue?

RESOLVED ~ On my Android phone, the screen resolution is such that the word lux is not displayed. However on a iPhone 7 screen this not an issue.

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A post was split to a new topic: SKY brightness captures full moon on clear nights!

I found this discussion thread while researching how I can use the brightness values for a remote runway weather station I’ve deployed. In addition to the Tempest, I have a pair of webcams to provide a visual weather guide. Using the Tempest UDP messages, I’ve muxed a synthetic voice with weather information relevant to pilots. If you’re interested, you can check it out here:

One of the problems I’ve run into is that I didn’t quite size the solar charging and battery store to support the system operation through the night if we have cloudy days. Interestingly, I have found that I can use the brightness charts to predict which nights the system will go offline.

The system went offline in the early hours of 8 Aug and again 10 Aug. In any case, I thought it interesting that I can use the brightness measure of the Tempest as a proxy for the level of solar charging the remote station is getting. What will be more interesting to me is to see if it can be be used as a proxy for skycover.


It should never go offline. As soon as the charging issue is discovered there will be a permanent fix.

Sorry I was not clear. When I spoke about the system going offline, I meant the wireless router and IP cameras that are bringing the Tempest WX data and video back from this location. The Tempest has not gone offline once since I installed it on this airfield a few months ago. It has a clear view of the sky and gets plenty of exposure.

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This is pretty neat - thanks for sharing!

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