Total precipitation

We live at a high elevation and our moisture comes in many forms: rain, snow, hail, sleet, “mixed wintry conditions” etc. I know the argument that you can just measure the snow depth, but with an eye to future research and functionality a measure of total precipation would be extremely useful. This past week we have had about seven inches of snow, rain and some sleet, yet the Tempest shows almost zero precipitation. Otherwise, love the Tempest.


If the tempest is your only weather station … and you are interested in accurate precipitation… get a rain gauge like the following.

Thanks. I’ve had mixed results with the plastic ones - if you don’t empty them right away in winter they freeze and crack the plastic - but I haven’t seen a polycarbonate one like the one you mention. I’ll definitely give it a try.

They (Stratus polycarbonate) also crack when they freeze…

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