Sky light sensors window scratched out of the box

As I mentioned yesterday, I received my stations :smile:
Just now I unboxed the second one and was a little surprised seeing the second Sky’s top:

The light sensors window has a deep scratch.
Maybe @eric and @anon84912554 can have a look an say a word.

Hello Henning

is it a scratch or something that sneaked under the teflon part ? Hard to tell from the pictures.

Quickest way to get a reply from WF is to send a mail or open a ticket

here are the links

online support :

mail :

As you can see there are many posts these days and for sure staff zaps a few posts. So go ahead and contact them directly. For sure they’ll help you.


IT feels like a scratch.
I already thought about opening a ticket…
I would have exculpated WFsupport in case you, Eric or Gary would have given a doesn’t matter / is normal voice…

Thanks for your quick response.

I personally think it won’t cause bad data. It just depends on how you feel.

@dsfg Thanks for letting us know. The small lens scratch as pictured is unlikely to cause any adverse effects on the data. Go ahead and mount it. If there is an issue with the solar data, let us know and we’ll resolve.

(Also note: the auto-calibration system on the solar data has not been deployed to all stations yet!)

is there a way for us to know which auto-calibrations we do (or don’t) have deployed to our station ?

Not yet, but soon. A future app release will display learning status by parameter, and we’ll announce here when relevant. As of 29 August, roughly 1200 stations have the auto-calibration / continuous learning system applied for RH only (no other parameters yet).