Pulling data from a Tempest hub to an ESP32

Hi folks,

I am trying to find out whether someone programmed an EPS32 to pull the data either via UDP
or from the API? I couldn’t find anything so far and it would be great if someone knows about work
that was already done.

My goal is to adapt and merge the great work of this display paper stand: PrusaPrinters
with this wonderful display:
GitHub - G6EJD/ESP32-e-Paper-Weather-Display: An ESP32 and 2.9", 4.2" or 7.5" ePaper Display reads Weather Underground data via their API and then displays the weather
to show the weather data from my tempest.

Before starting the journey of coding it myself, I thought I reach out to you and see if someone
has already done some work on it.

The toolman!

That would be pretty cool.

I’d suggest you break the problem up into multiple pieces:

  • listen for the UDP broadcasts
  • parse the JSON from the various types of messages into fields
  • display them to the screen

Bonus points if you can figure out how to do this to a partial refresh capable ePaper display.

This could help you along, not exactly what you want but a lot of the work is done.

1 Like

Thanks for the reply, I didn’t quite find what I need. Currently I am fighting with decoding the JSON stream in the arduino IDE. For whatever reason it works in a sample sketch but not integrated in davids code. If anyone wants to assist, please let me know! Cheers :wink:

Here’s what I use to pull the UDP data in Arduino IDE with an ESP32:

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <AsyncUDP.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <esp_log.h>
#include <esp_wifi.h>
#include <esp_wifi_internal.h>

const char * ssid = "";
const char * password = "";

AsyncUDP udp;

const int port = 50222;
bool hardwareInfo = false;

struct weather {
  unsigned int rain_start; //rain start-time epoch seconds
  unsigned int strike_time; //lightning strike - time epoch seconds
  uint8_t strike_dist; //km
  uint16_t strike_energy; //unknown unit
  unsigned int rapid_time; //epoch seconds
  float rapid_speed; //rapid wind m/s
  uint16_t rapid_dir; //degrees
  unsigned int obs_air_time; //epoch seconds
  float press; //MB
  float temp; //C
  uint8_t rh; //%
  uint8_t strike_count;
  uint8_t strike_avg_dist; //km
  float battery; //Volts
  unsigned long obs_sky_time; //epoch seconds
  uint16_t illum; //lux
  uint8_t UV; //index
  uint8_t rain_min; //rain over prev minute mm
  uint8_t wind_lull; //m/s
  uint8_t wind_avg; //m/s
  uint8_t wind_gust; //m/s  
  uint8_t wind_dir; //degrees
  uint16_t solar; //W/m^2
  uint16_t daily_rain; //mm
  uint8_t precip_type; //0=none, 1 = rain, 2=hail
  uint8_t wind_int; //wind sample interval, seconds
  unsigned long obs_st_time; //epoch seconds
  int8_t rssi;  
  int8_t hub_rssi;
struct weather wx;
//static nvs_handle wf_nvs;
size_t len;

void connectUDPReceiver()
  if (udp.listen(port))
    udp.onPacket([](AsyncUDPPacket packet) {
      StaticJsonDocument<384> doc;
      DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, packet.data(), packet.length());

      if (error)
        Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed: "));
      const char *type = doc["type"];

      if (strcmp(type, "obs_st") == 0)

        JsonArray obs = doc["obs"][0];
        wx.obs_st_time = obs[0];
        wx.wind_lull = obs[1];
        wx.wind_avg = obs[2];
        wx.wind_gust = obs[3];
        wx.wind_dir = obs[4];
        wx.wind_int = obs[5];
        wx.press = obs[6];
        wx.temp = obs[7];
        wx.rh = obs[8];
        wx.illum = obs[9];
        wx.UV = obs[10];
        wx.solar = obs[11];
        wx.rain_min = obs[12];
        wx.precip_type = obs[13];
        wx.strike_avg_dist = obs[14];
        wx.strike_count = obs[15];
        wx.battery = obs[16];        

        Serial.print("obs_st received:");
        Serial.print("Temperature: ");
        Serial.print(" Humidity: ");
        Serial.print("Wind: "); Serial.print(wx.wind_avg); Serial.print(" Gust: ");
        Serial.print(wx.wind_gust); Serial.print(" @ "); Serial.print(wx.wind_dir);
        Serial.println(" degreees");
        Serial.print(" Lux: "); Serial.print(wx.illum);
        Serial.print(" Solar: "); Serial.print(wx.solar); Serial.println(" W/m^2");

      if (strcmp(type, "obs_air") == 0)

        JsonArray obs = doc["obs"][0];
        wx.obs_air_time = obs[0];
        wx.press = obs[1];
        wx.temp = obs[2];
        wx.rh = obs[3];
        wx.strike_count = obs[4];
        wx.strike_dist = obs[5];
        wx.battery = obs[6];
        Serial.print("obs_air received:");

      if (strcmp(type, "obs_sky") == 0)

        JsonArray obs = doc["obs"][0];
        wx.obs_air_time = obs[0];
        wx.illum = obs[1];
        wx.UV= obs[2];
        wx.rain_min = obs[3];
        wx.wind_lull = obs[4];
        wx.wind_avg = obs[5];
        wx.wind_gust = obs[6];
        wx.wind_dir = obs[7];
        wx.battery = obs[8];
        wx.solar = obs[10];
        wx.daily_rain = obs[11];
        wx.precip_type = obs[12];
        wx.wind_int = obs[13];
       Serial.print("obs_sky received: ");


      if (strcmp(type, "rapid_wind") == 0)
        JsonArray ob = doc["ob"];
        wx.rapid_time = ob[0];
        wx.rapid_speed = ob[1];
        wx.rapid_dir = ob[2];

        Serial.print("Wind "); Serial.print(wx.rapid_speed*2.23); Serial.print("mph at ");
        Serial.print(wx.rapid_dir); Serial.println(" degrees.");

      if (strcmp(type, "evt_strike") == 0)
        JsonArray ob = doc["evt"];
        wx.strike_time = ob[0];
        wx.strike_dist = ob[1];
        wx.strike_energy = ob[2];
        Serial.print("lightning "); Serial.print(wx.strike_dist);Serial.println(" km away.");

      if (strcmp(type, "evt_precip") == 0)
        JsonArray ob = doc["evt"];
        wx.rain_start = ob[0];

      if (strcmp(type, "device_status") == 0)
        JsonArray ob = doc["rssi"];
        wx.rssi = ob[0];
        JsonArray ob2 = doc["hub_rssi"];
        wx.hub_rssi = ob2[0];
        Serial.println("evt_status received");


void setup() {
// esp_log_level_set("wifi", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE);
// esp_wifi_internal_set_log_level(WIFI_LOG_VERBOSE);
// esp_wifi_internal_set_log_mod(WIFI_LOG_MODULE_ALL, WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_ALL, true);

  Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi..");
    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

    Serial.println("WiFi connected");
    Serial.println("IP address: ");

void loop()

And here’s a Python version of a UDP listener I wrote if you prefer the Micropython route

Apologies for digging up an older topic but can you give info on converting values to Fahrenheit, mi, mph etc.?

Does nobody ever use try to solve things themselves these days ?

Does nobody ever use try grammar or coherent sentences? Sheesh