New Tempest Weather System

As an existing user if we get the Tempest could we bring the Air unit inside and use it for internal temps and humidity or would it still be used in conjunction with the tempest? And has the breath been scraped?

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Definitely! You can place the AIR in your new wine cellar and monitor the indoor temp and humidity. No further development to report on an indoor AQ device – increasingly crowded market.

@pswilson1 . You’re onto something. It is essential to know exactly what is going on at your house right now. But, it also powerful to know what will happen in the future with a higher degree of accuracy.

Pretty much all those other generic forecast apps/websites/TV stations use the same underlying government produced forecast models with no data enhancements, just pretty graphics. Don’t get us wrong, there is some of the world most advanced technology involved in these government models and we use a range of them everyday. What they are lacking is ground truth data to validate the forecasted “guess”. Having a quality weather station at your house feeding data into AI-enhanced forecast models can effectively “train” the system to learn where it gets it right and when it gets it wrong. Overtime, the AI technology can dramatically improve the accuracy at your exact location.


Teneis pensado algĂșn dĂ­a vender la new tempest weather system en España o en europa???
El sensor de temperatura y humedad va alojado dentro de los platos?
Good job

with the help of a translator

El nuevo diseño integra los sensores del viejo ‘aire’ en el cielo. Es un diseño todo en uno. Con respecto a las ventas en Europa, solo el personal de WF puede responder.

@anon84912554 : can you please reply regarding selling the tempest in Europe or not ?

So the Breathe is not going to happen ?

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How do I become a field tester? I like the look of the new all in one unit.

Hola ,buenas.
La wheather flow tiene rosca debajo de la unidad para poder roscarla sobre un trĂ­pode?..
Me refiero a la unidad que lleva el pluviĂłmetro y el anemĂłmetro.
Muchas gracias

Hi thanks for speaking up, we can definitely help calibrate your haptic sensor, especially with the help of a co-located gauge. Please contact our customer service team if you haven’t already!
Email or open a ticket

bummer, this would have been a really great addition. Now I have to invest in some other system and also in some third party solution to make a good display that shows all the info in one screen.

I just ordered ‘flow’ from Plume labs. Looks like a nice device and is even portable. Within weeks they will deliver an API. It measures NO2, VOC, PM2.5 and PM10.

(weather flow, plume flow
 I must be on to something)

You rascals, now my wife will kill me when it comes available✌ Nice looking! Can’t wait!!

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Guys. Read again. It does not say it’s been deprecated. It says there is no development to report.

The Weather staff has been busy with priority items.


It sure ‘reads’ like they are seriously considering not building it due to the “crowded marketplace” (their term). I think I posted something many months ago mentioning the price points for the competing gear and how hard it seemed to come up with something that either blew the competition away (ouch - bad pun) or had a price that made it a no-brainer. But as always we’ll stay by to be amazed.

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Now public
the pre-KickStarter announcement with a little more teaser:

Further details when we actually launch on KickStarter. This page is really just so that interested people can be notified when the campaign launches so they do not miss the best deals. Right now we’re looking at launch date of Oct 28/29
but it’s not in stone.


Thank you so very very much.

Do you need a HUB to retrieve data from the Tempest station or can you retrieve the data via Bluetooth on a smartphone?

Also, is there an improvement in sensor specifications with this tempest system?

This is what the above post states.

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What will be the better deal for existing owners, the Kickstarter get notified 30% off or the (TBD discount deal) current owners offer from WF? Are both offers available without the Hub? Will there be a difference in delivery schedule?

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For existing WF owners who already have a HUB, we will offer an “a-la-carte” option to add a Tempest device to your existing system for a LOWER price than complete packages on KickStarter (which, BTW is not necessary, but go for it if you want the latest and greatest). All packages on Kickstarter will be complete with a HUB. Availability / delivery expected around Feb/March of 2020. All WF owners will benefit from the new AI-powered forecasting technology which is forthcoming via a new app release in 2020.