New Tempest App in comparison to Smart Weather App

You are in a tizzy over nothing. All the data and screens are there. They added a forecast screen and some other minor changes. All of those screens you think are gone are still there. Wait for the app to be released and you can then see for yourself.


First I have been a support tester with the Sky and i know what I am talking about

They are not there in the complete form

I have already viewed my account and the detail does match to the current app which has 5 screens of detail

Current Existing Smartweather App





Here is the new app that only has one with 4 panels of data missing

New Tempest App

Click on the icon at the upper right of the screen to get to the original version of the app.

The app was perfect as has been

No need for any changes to make it unreadable

You can always easily switch to the original version any time you want.


Completely disagree. While I do like the old interface for those times when I need to dig in to the details, I like find the new interface really handy for quickly finding temps and forecasts. Both options still exist in the app so nothing has been removed. A compromise might be to add a setting that allows the user to pick the default interface.


Just scroll down and that info is there.

We have such First-World problems. I don’t know if I’ll survive all this change.


If you really want details and to dig into things, I’m surprised you are relying on the Smart Weather app (or now the tempest app). Why aren’t you using one of the 3rd party tools that stores all of your data in a local database and then lets you display the data how you want? I think most people that consider themselves beyond a basic hobbyist go this route so you can do your own data analysis and all. For the target market the Smart Weather app was great, and the tempest app is even better (my wife loves the new app vs the old one, where I tend to keep the display in my office on the interface showing the details). My plan is to move to the data logger like @GaryFunk has or one of the many others to store my data locally. Will then produce my own webpage to present the data how I want it, and may use other tools (like the PiConsole or btst wx). FWIW: you keep saying the previous version was perfect. That’s just your opinion and doesn’t mean everyone else agrees with that. Personally, scrolling through 5 pages to see data is not convenient or “perfect” IMO… I’ll skin the cat how I want to to make what will be “perfect” for me.

And yes, all of this is First-World Problems.


I do not like the looks of this at all !

Please do not take a basic clear easy to read, easy to understand weather data off of the app, all at a simple glance !

Is that too much to ask for?

Please don’t go down the path of putting a lot of hard to read icons in the app.

This will be a deal killer for our weather stations.

William Harrell

Notice the button on the upper right. If you click that, you get the exact same display that you have in the current app (I’m running the beta app with my field test Tempest). So you can have the look you prefer either way.


How can one check out the app

My IOS app was updated today. The only function I didn’t see on the new app is the map which showed other instruments.

Check under the settings icon. You may have to scroll down to see the map link.


Overall, I really like the old app - I think this is a backwards step and heading in the wrong direction.

Please don’t kill off or switch over the web based version to the new version yet.

I don’t like the new app:

  • current conditions are not as easy to read - especially with smaller text sizes and blue text on a light blue background
  • charts have disappeared - I found it really useful to view charts from the last day (and then zoom out to see further into the past) for temperate, rainfall, light levels, UV and all the other metrics. These seem to have disappeared
  • too much of an emphasis on weather forecasts. Having your own weather station is all about seeing stats from your own weather station, I use another Australian app (the Australian Government’s Bureau of Meterology app) for accurate local forecasts.

I love my weather station and all of the continuous improvements you’ve made to it - I’ve recommended it to as a weather station other people should purchase.

Please make the new app more like all the good stuff in the old app.



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Do not worry - the charts have not disappeared. Simply click the Tempest icon in the top right to switch to the old card view. There you can press on any variable to bring up the chart like you did in the old app.

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I really do not get that point. The sole reason for me having a weather station is to get accurate forecasts using my local data, not that of some 10+miles away. If Weatherflow can use my data, combined with industry standard/leading models, then why on earth would I not want to see that?

I suspect Weatherflow are simply using the industry standard and/or hybrid models, and feeding it our local data for today/tomorrow forecasts, just making it slightly more accurate. Out of interest, are you finding the forecasts from the app are wildly different to that of BOM?

As for “offical” forecasts - the MetOffice is so far off reality where I am located, its pretty much worthless. The BBC used to use the MetOffice data and their own forecasting, and they never matched each other because they used different models. DarkSky was always extremely accurate at my location and I never fathomed out how they did it without my local data. If Weatherflow can do the same, bring it on!

Or I am completing missing the point somewhere…


The map used to be a short cut at the bottom of the page. It’s now at the bottom of the settings page. Not as convenient as it used to be, but at least it’s there.


Thanks for pointing out the old charts - happy days! Maybe that could be more obvious in the app - or a call out to it when users run this new app for the first time

To be honest, as a matter of course, I tend to disregard forecasts that don’t come from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. The reason is that most often the data and forecasts are (and I’m generalising here) from US based weather companies that don’t have local knowledge. Don’t flame me here, but it makes sense to rely on data from a scientific organisation in your own country that rely on forecast data from the other side of the world.

But, on your suggestion, I will give the forecasts a try in the app :grinning: