New Hub Firmware v143

That is exactly what happened. We decided Friday that v133 was ready for “production” status and began applying that version to all new Tempests heading out the door. Meanwhile, we are slow-rolling v133 to Tempests in the field as this will be the first time we’ve updated a large number of sensor devices (as opposed to the more well-connected Hubs).

Indeed! Just posted an announcement here: New Tempest firmware: v133

As of this morning there were about 160 (mostly beta/field tester) Tempests on v133 and almost 4000 on v129. We are in the process of upgrading 100 or so over the next 24 hours. Assuming that goes well, we’ll bump that up to 500 for the next 24 hour period. By the end of the week, we should have everyone upgraded.

This is another source of confusion to be sure! I’m not that new to Tempest but I still get them confused. Who came up with these naming conventions???