New Hub Firmware v114

The latest production Hub firmware, v114, will be automatically installed on all smart weather stations starting tonight. This build includes improvements to some of the data integrity algorithms and a couple minor bug fixes. You should not notice any downtime nor changes to functionality.


Does this include the new rain update?

According to David:

The primary change in this build is a significant improvement to the “rain-on-plate” filters that attempt to detect and account for this issue. This issue itself occurs much less often on units with the super-hydrophobic coating, but this filter will continue help during the rare cases where it does. Documentation has been updated:

We’ve also included a change log section on the documentation now, highlighting the changes from the last production run, and we’'ll do our best to keep that as accurate as possible going forward.

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No, but it sets the stage for the rain update, which is not directly related to firmware. That update is coming soon.


Oh, that’s interesting. But the “calibration” will be available for the UPD stream ?

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