Haptic sensor mist not detected

unfortunately the haptic sensor does not detect precipitation in the form of drizzle while waiting for the future wf bucket rain gauge I’m looking for a very efficient and precise rain gauge that you advised me? thank you (currently I have the netatmo rain gauge)

I guess the most precise is still a manual gauge. Something like this https://www.amazon.com/Stratus-Precision-Mounting-Bracket-Weather/dp/B000X3KTHS
It isn’t as practical as your netatmo for calculating totals, and doesn’t warn you when rain starts like the tempest, but it is pretty accurate.

good evening thank you on the other hand what do you think of the acurite rain gauge

I’ve no opinion on it. For some reason your netatmo doesn’t meet your requirements, even though it is advertised as pretty precise. Do you really expect the acurite to be better enough??

yes can be in the comment there is positive and sometimes negative I think I should calibrate my netatmo by a simple garden rain gauge