Gust in daily forecast

The word gust not showing the the daily forecast. The green bars are there. But after the app updated the word wind is there but not gust

Hi tonyntara,

welcome to the community.

It looks like you are describing a bug you found in the app.
Would you please give a little more details maybe screenshots? Hence, it would be easier to others to follow.

perhaps is used to be a bug, but now it could show the predicted average wind instead of the predicted max wind (gust).
however, based on what my sky measured just in the last couple of hours in what the forecast shows, I would say that the data shown is still wind gust and not the average wind. So yeah, I would expect the word gust or max wind next the the hourly forecast.

Here is a screenshot but I rolled back the app to an older version. The problem with the latest version is it looks just like this minus the word gust.

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