CWOP : sharing data

We all like to participate in several systems by sharing our data and that is perfectly fine. In this category you will find several options allowing you to do so.

There is just one case NOT to do so since it is already done automatically : CWOP


When did this start?

Yes, when did this change go into place?

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We’ve been working with Synoptic for a while now to feed Tempest data through the National Mesonet Program. We only recently realized how it might negatively affect CWOP. One of the topics that Synoptic and the NMP is trying to address is the de-duping of redundant data sources (as part of an overall quality-control system). It’s not the end of the world if NWS gets the same data from multiple channels, so you don’t need to worry if you’re sending your Tempest data to CWOP - they deal with redundancy already. But there is no need to submit your Tempest data through CWOP, because the data can be provided more directly to the end-users through the National Mesonet Program.


Very true, But… When I send the data I get to control the data that is sent. And I get to see my data as it’s under my station ID.

What station ID are you using to send My data?

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Hi Gary,

Since we’re not sending data through the normal CWOP channel, there is no CWOP station ID.

As for viewing your data, we’re still working with Synoptic/MesoWest on surfacing Tempest data in their public-facing tools. You will be able to view your data on the MesoWest website soon. In the meantime, you can view your data on the Tempest website ( as well as any of the WeatherFlow weather services including, or


Hmmm - I see my CWOP data from my VP2 (link) although I also feed PWS and WU from weewx for that station.

Nothing leading me to belief that there’s any WF data there, but it’s not visible from their map. Where would I see evidence of my data (or the many WF stations around me) being used by them ?

Map is HERE with me basically dead-center on that map


While NOAA/NWS (and other government entities or researchers that request access) have access to Tempest data, no stations are yet shown on their public facing tools. We are working with Synoptic & NOAA to grant Tempest owners control over whether data from their station is displayed in these tools. If viewing your data through CWOP tools is important to you, that is a good reason to provide data directly through the CWOP program.


Any update on this? I’m assuming that any app or services that use CWOP data (WeatherBug for example) won’t be able to retrieve data from the Tempest, correct?

@WFstaff @WFsupport

Good Afternoon,
Are we able to see out station data on MesoWest as of yet? If not is there any time frame on when it will be available?


Not yet, but progress is being made!


Will it be possible to upload to CWOPS, or even better, to APRS ?
As a radio amateur, i used to send my weather data to there, so other radio amateurs would see it. From the it was also sent to the CWOPS network.

This would be great.


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you can use weewx + aprs extension with the extension from Vreihen to catch local Udp data. Think that should do it.

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yes as @eric said, weewx can do that right out of the box.

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Yes, I know, but i would prefer not to use extra hardware to just do this. I’ve used WeeWX to send my oregon weather info to several weather pages, but the Rpi is now used for other purposes, so it would be great if it could be done without extra hardware.

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What exactly do you mean when you say you don’t want to use extra hardware? How are you envisioning the flow of data? Are you thinking WeatherFlow would do it for you server-side? And do you just want it sent to APRS-IS or do you want to beacon it locally on RF?

I know you said you didn’t want extra hardware and that you’ve re-purposed your rpi, but that is a pretty good solution. Or at least it’s been working well for me. I have an rpi running weewx and direwolf.

If you only want to send to APRS-IS, as mentioned before, weewx does that directly. Just configure the appropriate CWOP section in weewx.conf and it “just works”.

I’m using direwolf for APRS over RF. I started off using the cwxn extension for weewx, which outputs a wxnow.txt which direwolf can read and beacon over RF. However I found some issues with cwxn - I started off fixing those issues, but then I decided it was just easier to make the cwop extension spit out the packet data to a wxnow.txt file and I use that now instead of the cwxn extension (note there is also a newer weewx extension based on cwxn which also fixes the issues, but I’d have to go look up the name/location of that extension).

Anyway, you can see my data on

And CWOP as AV684:

There’s also some fun things you can do with weewx. I’ve done a few modifications to the Belchertown skin, adding my webcams and a few other changes. I’m still working on it, but you can see what I’ve done so far:

Note that for now that’s being served up directly by a raspberry pi, so it’s not yet scalable. Once I get things more finalized I’ll probably rsync to my hosted webserver.


@dwc : I’m impressed with that page, I now use the Rpi for monitoring my solar energy. I don’t want to send the data over RF, just to So the page you created, looks great and is worth using the Rpi again. If you want, van you give me some more info about that webcam change to that skin ( in PM or so ?) Because I wanted to install a weathercam also, with the new hires cam and a pi, so then I can use that pi to serve weewx also. if you watn, you can also reach me at

Many thanks for the info !
Erwin de ON8AR


OK, well if your request is just to send it over APRS-IS, then it’s probably not that unreasonable a feature request. It seems they’re already much of the way there. And what might be helpful on two fronts is if WeatherFlow gave the ability to enter your CWOP ID into your station information. That would enable them to “de-dupe” the data that’s being sent to Mesonet. And it could also theoretically enable them to provide the data to APRS-IS.

As for the weewx page I created, thanks. I’m happy to share the changes I made. I don’t know what level of detail you want and/or what level of experience/ability you have. So I’ll provide a quick summary and you can follow up if you want. And if this is getting too far off topic for this thread, we can move it elsewhere.

Getting the webcam image on the homepage is relatively trivial if you have the ability to get a snapshot from your webcam. The belchertown skin provides hooks to include whatever arbitrary html/cheetah code you want at various points of the home page. So you can just provide an img tag pointing to your image. And there’s also a configuration to set a reload timer for each of the hooks, so if you want it to refresh you can set the refresh interval.

The “big” changes I made were:

  • for the hook timers - I didn’t want the images to reload forever. Right now the images are being serviced by my rpi so I didn’t want a bunch of people loading the page, then walking away and having the images continue to needlessly reload. So I added some extra code that would disable the reload when the page went “inactive”. I set up the MQTT so that it would dynamically update the observations, and there’s a timeout you can configure to have it stop updating after a certain amount of time. I leveraged that and made it disable the reload of the hooks at the same time. And when you reconnect to MQTT it restarts the reloading of the images.

  • I added a new webcam page since I have multiple webcams. This required adding a new template to the skin. This page behaves somewhat similarly to the changes I made for the home page. It reloads the images at whatever interval you configure, and you can configure a time beyond which it will stop reloading until you refresh the page.

As for the webcams, the cameras I’m using are designed more for security. They’re ubiquiti G4Pro cameras. And because there was no documented way to get a static image from the cameras, I was doing it the “double tough” way. I had ffmpeg pulling the rtsp stream and then every time it hit an I frame I had it create a jpeg image. That worked fine, but wasn’t ideal. Then I randomly stumbled on a thread in a ubnt forum describing how to grab a snapshot directly from the camera. So now I just have a script that pulls a snapshot every 10 seconds from all 3 cameras, and that’s what’s used for the weewx page.

I’m happy to share the code changes I made, though I’d probably want to clean them up and improve them a little first. I was learning three different things simultaneously while doing it, so it was a bit of a hack/learn/experiment effort.

Hey @dsj or @WFstaff, any update on getting a weather station ID for CWOP, NOAA, NWS? We have an Ecobee thermostat that controls our humidifier, and unfortunately because we’re in the mountains, the Ecobee is generally ~10º off. This is causing all sorts of trouble (i.e. water condensation damaging windowsills). They can only tie weather information to a specific weather station (even though their website says differently… this has been confirmed by their support team). So I’d love to be able to give them my tempest data!