Change in graphing rain rate

What poll are you referring to?

Post #6 in this topic

Here’s a crazy thought, why not give both the descriptive and the actual rates? I’m sure this could be done.

Sure that would be great.

Agree! We’re really looking forward to enabling this kind of citizen science. There is no such thing as too much data when it comes to climate research!

Yes, agree! And, as reported above a few times… that’s the plan! Two graphs. Have cake. Eat cake. Coming soon…


No calories in that cake! :slight_smile:

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Please sugar the cake with way more then the 30 data points we currently see in any graph.


Today’s release of Smart Weather Apps (v3.2) adds the old “rain rate” graph back as an option. Tap or click on the select box on the graph and you’ll see it.


just downloaded it. looks great !


you just have to love the ‘new’ rain rate graph.


New Tempest owner here … The first time I opened the Rain graph, I couldn’t make sense of the bars, whose height seem to have no connection with the Accumulated Rain scale. After reading through this long forum topic, I see that I am not the first new user to be puzzled by this :smile:

I am pleased to learn that I can switch to the Rain Rate graph, which shows properly scaled data that makes sense to me. The graph of descriptive intensities seems useless to me, but reasonable people can disagree.

My only wish is for a setting to make Rain Rate be the default graph that is displayed when I tap on the Rain card. Either that, or add a Rain Rate card, and provide a way to enable or disable individual cards (which currently can be moved around but can’t be enabled or disabled).


I can only agree with you. Apparently people had trouble understanding the rain-rate graph. The same trouble exist for the old, current default one, but as that one is less informative, it hides the problem a bit.

Like @eataft, I would prefer that Rain Rate be the default chart used for rain. Weatherflow, please give us a way to configure that if you still think the cardinal bars in the Rain chart are the better choice for most customers.

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