Any chance of adding Humidex for Canadian customers?

Canada does not generally use “feel like” temperatures. We use Humidex (and Wind Chill in winter). I’d love to see the familiar values displayed.

Add me to that request.

be sure to vote for you own request.

I don’t have any votes left or I would vote for it.

we need more votes. Everyone that came up with 5 suggestions and voted for them, has no votes left to vote on suggestions from other people.


Any update to this as there are more and more customers joining in Canada. There are also several stations in this country. WF could be the first PWS company to offer Humidex or Australian Feels like for countries that do not use the heat index

I came here to post this same request!

The Canadian Humidex (“feels like”) values are different from the American ones. Most notably, the American heat index doesn’t start until 80° F (26.7° C), whereas the Canadian humidex starts at 66° F (19° C).


I agree it would be awesome since the Canadian Humidex is totally different than the US Heat index

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For example today, my yard is at 26°C, heat index 26, Humidex is 31 right now

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and… does it feel like 31 ? :slight_smile:

Sure does feel that warm.


Right now it is 23° with a Humidex of 33 while the Tempest says it Feels Like 23, which is nonsense!

head index (feels like) only kicks in when the temperature is above 27 degrees Celsius. Below that it is equal to the temperature. So the value might be correct, but I understand you want humidex instead. But it’s my gut feeling that even with 80% humidity 23 degrees doesn’t feel like 33. It might feel warmer than 23 but 33??

I am going by the official Environment Canada readings. I can assure you that it certainly felt correct. Very hard to breathe.

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Oh, and the Humidex is used for temperatures a lot lower than 27°.

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FWIW, if you click on the Tempest icon or anywhere in the top part of the current conditions screen you can see the dew point and then read from the chart for the Humidex for your location rather than relying on a value from 20-30km away. It looks like for the time you gave the humidex at your location was about 36.

I understand this doesn’t fix your issue but it is worth noting. Hopefully WF can add in another user selectable field or just make the “Feels Like” field selectable between several other values, including Humidex.

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Yes, I can certainly get the number from the chart, but it is an easy formula to program, and it would be nice to be able to just read it from the display. Getting local figures is why I bought this system in the first place.

It could be added to the Advanced Stats section and then let anything in that section be user selected for display on the main screen.

The humidex is similar to the heat index but is widely used in Canada where the heat index is not. It equals H = T + (0.5555 * (e - 10)), where T is the temperature in Celsius and e is the vapor pressure in millibars (mb).Aug 13, 2011