Announcements & Updates

New release (v3.7) of the WeatherFlow PiConsole. Changes include:

  • Replaced WeatherFlow API key with Personal Access Tokens
  • Added 12hr clock display for Sager/Forecast times
  • Check for “Type” in Websocket messages
  • Verify API keys entered into config file
  • Fixed bug when forecast is empty
  • Station/module IDs shown in settings

To update first stop the console with wfpiconsole stop. Then update using wfpiconsole update.

When you update you will be prompted to enter a WeatherFlow Personal Access Token. This token allows the PiConsole to access the data from your station, and they can be generated, viewed, and deleted here: Tempest Settings (you may need to login). Click on Create token, give it a name, and then copy/paste it into the terminal.

PLEASE NOTE: any local changes you may have made to the code will be overwritten by the update command. Please backup your changes before updating