Added weathercloud among the software that can be connected directly to the station

Hi everyone, what do you think of the addition of among the software that can be connected directly to the Tempest station without having to use 3rd party software?

Weathercloud is a large network of weather stations reporting data in real time from all over the world, also in the site there is a database that allows you to view and DOWNLOAD the historical data of the station and also there is the possibility of having access to interactive graphs whose parameters can be chosen randomly by the user.

In tempestwx it could be implemented on the same page where the WUNDERGROUND credentials are entered, or perhaps on another page. What it needs, like wunderground, are a WEATHERCLOUD ID that is provided by weathercloud and a KEY always provided by it.

What do you think? If it seems interesting to you, vote the post !!

I can’t find how to “vote”, but I would like this feature!

Look at the top of the topic thread. There is a Vote button which changes to Limit if you have used all of your votes.

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Thank you. I must’ve been really tired… missing obvious votes and making typos :man_facepalming:

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I just tell my students, “I did that on purpose to prove I’m human, just like you.” :wink:

I am setting up a new Tempest and have easily integrated into Wunderground but cannot find any dedicated link to Weathercloud. Any advice?

Are there any plans to add WC to the tab where you can add Wunderground in seconds?

Cast your vote if you have any left on top this request. For now nothing is planned for as much I heard.

Many thanks and hopefully this feature will be added. Also thanks for putting my photos in the correct thread…myself and IT have an interesting relationship! Shaun

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I use Weather Display on my desktop computer which allows Weathercloud integration with Tempest. Disadvantage is that your computer needs to stay on all the time.

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In case you have a PI doing nothing, Weather Display has an arm version that can run this.